Juvenile - Mission
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Mission Statement and Principles of Killavullen Juvenile GAA Club
The Club’s mission statement is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all our young people to enjoy Gaelic games. The aim of Killavullen GAA Club is to encourage all of our young people to develop and achieve their full potential in our games through enjoyment and self-discipline and to promote fair play with respect and equality for all.
The work of Killavullen Juvenile GAA Club is based on the following principles that will guide the development of sport for young people in this club. Young people’s experiences of Gaelic games should be guided by what is best for the children. The stages of development and the ability of the child should determine the types of activity provided within the club. Adults should have a basic understanding of the needs of children, including physical, emotional and personal.
Integrity in relationships
Adults interacting with young people in hurling and Gaelic football should do so with integrity and respect for the child. All adult actions in Killavullen Juvenile GAA Club should be guided by what is best for the child and in the context of quality, open working relationships. Verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse of any kind is unacceptable within Killavullen juvenile GAA Club.
Quality atmosphere and competition
Gaelic games for children will be conducted in a safe, positive and encouraging atmosphere. A balanced approach to competition can make a significant contribution to the development of young people, while at the same time providing fun, enjoyment and satisfaction. Coaches/mentors must put the welfare of the children first and competitive standards second. A child-centred approach will help to ensure that competition and specialization will be kept in its appropriate place.
All children should be treated in an equal and fair manner regardless of age, ability, sex, sexual orientation, religion, social and ethnic diversity or political persuasion. Children with disabilities should be involved in sports activities in an integrated way, thus allowing them to participate to their potential alongside other children.
‘Fair Play’
Fair play is the guiding principle of the Irish Sports Council’s Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport. It states that “all children’s sport should be conducted in an atmosphere of fair play”. Ireland has contributed and is committed to the European Code of Sports Ethics, which defines fair play as: “much more than playing within the rules”. It incorporates the concepts of friendship, respect for others and always playing with the right spirit. Fair play is defined as a way of thinking, not just behaving.